Returns are completely free.

Within 30 days from the delivery date, products that have not been used, their labels have not been removed, their resaleability is intact, and their accessories are complete can be returned. Returns that do not comply with these conditions will not be accepted and will be sent back to you with payment.

Here's what you need to do to start the return process:

  1. Click here to enter your order details. The order number can be found in the order confirmation email.
  2. Select products, action, reasons.
  3. Send the products to us or pick them up from one of our stores according to the instructions in the email that will be sent to you at the end of the transaction confirmation.

In your exchange requests, you can select the Gift Certificate option and use the certificate sent to you on any product you want.

We recommend that you send the products in their original box and with their e-invoice. Refunds cannot be made until the above steps are completed.

Create a return transaction